Tuesday 24 July 2012

beginner guide for on page optimization.

There is two step in Search engine optimization process are on page optimization and off page optimization. On page optimization deals in element of website while in off page optimization we do something on neighborhood website such as article submission, directory submission, forum posting, blog posting, blog commenting etc. 
In this post we talk about how to perform onpage optimization, before starting on page optimization for any site first start keyword research, If you do not have idea what types keywords you have to used for this purpose I will suggest you to use Google awards keywords tool. here you can find more ideas related to your website theme. In on page optimization the first step is to write <title>for your website.When you are trying to write title tag for site. Remember Title tag should be unique for every pages of your website, Title tag should be descriptive so that user as well search engine can understand about your page. Title tag should not be greater than 65 characters. ex-
<title>onpage seo tips, seo onpage optimization, how to do onpage seo</title>

After written your title tag second thinks is meta description. In on page optimization meta description also very important, Meta description helps to  describe about your page or what your pages offers to user. the most important is to meta description display in search engine result page so meta description should be descriptive for user and you can also used your keyword in meta description tag. Meta description length should be 150 characters.ex-

<meta name="description" content="beginner guide for on page optimization helps you to optimize title tag, meta description meta keywords and improve your site rank on all major search engine"/>

Now comes to meta keywords, Google does not rely on meta keywords tag but it is still help for yahoo and bing search engine so meta keywords also write in correct manner. In on page optimization meta keywords should be 250 character and keywords and keyword phrase should not be repeated. Ex-
<meta name="keywords" content="how to do on page seo, on page optimization tips, seo for onpage, on page guide, how to optimize meta keywords"/>

After completion the title and meta tag now the nest steps is content optimization, in content optimization you can use your targeted keyword and keyword phrase. In on page optimization content optimization is very important you can use your keyword in bold font, use <strong>.....</strong> tag beside traditional <b>...</b> bold tag. the keyword density should be 5-7%. Remember do stuff content with keywords other wise you may be penalize by Google.

In on page optimization you can create internal linking, generate xml and html site map for your website.

onpage optimization is very important and it should done careful.

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